Quels bijoux pour un mariage civil ?
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Quels bijoux pour un mariage civil ?

Un mariage civil, c’est l’élégance sans l’excès, le chic sans le chichi. Et si la robe est soigneusement choisie, les bijoux quant à eux, sont les complices ultimes pour sublimer...

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Sublimez votre tenue avec nos bijoux pour mariage d’hiver
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Enhance your outfit with our winter wedding jew...

Discover our selection of jewelry for your winter weddings: rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets, for unique and magical looks.

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Sélection de bijoux à offrir !
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Selection of jewelry to offer !

Let's be honest : whatever the occasion, giving a gift turns out to be a very often perilous mission. Between the eternal doubt (“What if she doesn’t like it ?”)...

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Tout savoir sur l’entretien de vos bijoux en laiton doré
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Everything you need to know about caring for yo...

Discover our care tips for your gold-plated brass jewelry. Learn how to protect them, store them and clean them to preserve their shine !

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Bijoux et tenues fêtes : les associations parfaites pour 2024
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Jewelry and party outfits: the perfect combinat...

Sequined dress, jumpsuit, satin suit: discover all the jewelry and party outfits to shine brightly at the end of 2024!

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Nos bijoux à petits prix : parfaits pour Noël !
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Our low-cost jewelry: perfect for Christmas!

Discover our low-cost jewelry : fine rings, mini hoop earrings and refined bracelets. Handmade gifts for less than €80, perfect for Christmas.

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Notre sélection cadeaux majestueux
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Our selection of majestic gifts

Vintage ring, gold and silver necklace, retro bracelet, chic brooch: thanks to our Christmas jewelry , your party look will be a sensation on New Year's Eve!

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Pourquoi offrir Be Maad pour les fêtes ?
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Why offer Be Maad for the holidays?

Be Maad is also and always a craft manufacturing, of which we are very proud. Our craftsmen work the jewelry by hand, highlighting their exceptional know-how perpetuated from generation to...

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La selection des fetes
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The selection of parties

Be Maad jewelry is a sure bet: iconic, timeless and easy to wear whatever your age or style, it will be perfect to enhance all the women in your life,...

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Porter des bijoux : nos conseils pour accessoiriser vos tenues.
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Wearing jewelry: our tips for accessorizing you...

With Be Maad, discover all our advice for wearing your jewelry well, accessorizing your outfits with style and revealing your personality.

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Les tendances de la saison 2024
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Trends for the 2024 season

Ready to discover how to make each trend even more irresistible? Here are the three fashion trends for 2024 and our tips for enhancing them with our creations.

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Comment mesurer sa taille de bague ? 2 astuces très simples.
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How to measure your ring size? 2 very simple tips.

Discover our two simple tips for measuring your ring size at home and buying your favorite Be Maad ring with confidence.

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